
"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe" ~ Neil Gaiman (A Game of You)



I realize that if I'm going to keep my readers' interest for the entire alphabet, I may have to get creative. I've been pondering this thought, and I've come up with a couple of ideas.

what if i wrote my posts in all lower-case letters? doesn't that just scream twenty-something hipster? it's like i was born with a cell phone in my hands, that i'm a master at speed texting, and that i just don't have time to hit the shift key. squee!

Or perhaps I could switch up my font-size to show emphasis. Like when I get really, really excited I can let you know by enlarging the font. There's no way you could miss the important parts. And if there's something super duper important, I can even make it big and green. Like the Hulk.

Now, here's an idea that I already have a penchant for. I love exclamation points! Because it makes me seem cheerful and optimistic! Like I have this really great, happy life, and I just want it to spill over into yours! I've had to scale it back in my writing, because I once heard that adding an exclamation point to your fiction is like laughing at your own jokes. I thought that was a great analogy! At least when I first heard it. The more I think about it, the less it makes sense.

Here's a little something I'm starting to get the hang of. :) I can sprinkle in those cute little emoticons. When I tell a joke, I can give you a little ;), and make you feel like it's just between the two of us. If I'm frustrated with my muse and how my story is coming along, I'll just :(. Sometimes I make mistakes. :/ I feel a little disconcerted or even embarrassed. :S You'll always have a stick-figure visual of my current facial expressions. Helpful, yes? :D

All right, all right – enough gimmicks. I'll just try to find some interesting topics to write about over the next three weeks. *shrugs* ;)


Karen Jones Gowen said...

what if i wrote my posts in all lower-case letters? doesn't that just scream twenty-something hipster? it's like i was born with a cell phone in my hands, that i'm a master at speed texting, and that i just don't have time to hit the shift key. squee!

Haha this is cracking me up. So glad I follow you. I'm going to follow you on Twitter too. I might already but will check. You are too funny! I don't doubt that you will keep your readers interested throughout the alphabet!

Unknown said...

this is quite the CHALLENGE (since I can't change fonts, I'll use caps) ! :D

Laura Pauling said...

I think there's a lesson in here about gimmicks and writing! ;)

Mercy said...

Haha! Thanks for the giggle. Keep the good posts coming.

Cathy said...

Hi there, Stopping by from the A to Z challenge ... and happy to follow a fellow writer! (See, I like !!!'s too.)

K.C. Woolf said...

Thanks for the laugh :-)

In my fiction writing, I hardly ever use exclamation marks, and never smileys (!) but in blogging and commenting: guilty of an overdose of !, ... and :-), =) and ;-)

Fortunately, I only type them when I mean them, but I'm not sure if that absolves me.

Shelli said...

Karen -- Thanks, I followed you back!

Elle -- Nice use of "C" in your comments today. :)

Laura and K.C. -- Yes, we can have fun on the blog, as long as we're sincere, right?

You're welcome, Mercy, thanks for dropping by!

Welcome, Catherine, and pleased to meet you!

Sue Jackson said...

Great post, Shelli! Sorry it's been so long since I've visited. No good excuses, just the usual overwhelmed, no time, blah, blah, blah.

I have the same habit with exclamation points! I have tried very hard to weed them out of my professional writing - I have to change them to periods in almost everything I write - but I allow myself to sprinkle them in liberally when blogging!! (see?)


Shelli said...

Sue -- All good excuses, because I know exactly how it is! And I don't think I can give up my blogging exclamation points. It's just too hard.

Alana said...

Too funny. Can hear the different tones of valley girl meets sarcasm in my heading reading through this. Thanks for the chuckle!